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Analysis of Top Gladiator Build (From Korea)

DNB: I would like to emphasize that this build is extracted from the Korea event, and it is not meant to be an exact 100% good skill build. As you can see from the title, it is an analysis.

Before going into analysis of the Top Gladiator Build, as usual, I will show the description of the 3 new skills first. Credits to chaose5 from MMOsite.

Gladiator Skills

  • Evasion Slash: Rotate backwards to avoid enemy and launch an attack. Can be triggered during any skill motion even if in air. Invincible while casting. Phy dmg 250%+954, CD 25sec at Lv3.
  • Triple Slash EX: Enhanced version of triple slash. New attack combo by using right clicking instead of left clicking.
  • Finishing Attack: Knock down your enemy and deal finishing blow. Phy dmg 350.2%+2584. CD 35sec at Lv1. If target’s hp is below 40%, increase the skill dmg by 2% for each 1% of hp left. Read the rest of this entry

Analysis of Top Moonlord/Marauder Build (From Korea)

DNB: I would like to emphasize that this build is extracted from the Korea event, and it is not meant to be an exact 100% good skill build. As you can see from the title, it is an analysis.

Before going into the analysis, I will show you the new 2nd advancement skills for Moonlord/Marauder. Credits to chaose5 from MMOsite forum.

  • Moon Blade Dance: Junp and deal quick 5 diagonal slashes in the air. Single hit mag dmg 116.4%+202. Cd 19sec at Lv2.
  • Moonlight Splinter EX: Enhanced version of moonlight splinter, with additional 30% AOE damage.
  • Flash Stance: Drawing the sword quickly to launch long range attack by left-clicking.Single hit mag dmg 56%+602. Right-click to cast a heavy damage final blow and cancel the stance. CD 50sec at Lv1. Duration 7sec. Read the rest of this entry

Guide on Swordmaster Skill Build

Welcome to the Guide on Swordmaster Skill Build!

Some things to note before I start with explaining swordmaster skill builds.

  1. Looking at the swordmaster skill tree, the leftmost column contains all the physical-based skills and the rightmost column contains the magic-based skills.
  2. Pure builds means to ignore the other attack type. For example, pure physical build means to ignore all the magic-based attack skills.
  3. There can be full hybrid or half hybrid. For example, a half hybrid magic build means learning the magic ultimate skill and learning some of the physical-based skills but may not reach till the level 32 physical skill.
  4. What I mean by pre-requisite is that the skill has to be of a certain level in order to unlock another skill. You will Read the rest of this entry