Category Archives: General

Stats Weightage for All Classes

A guide written by Syncness from DragonNestSource Forum and I take no credit for this. Just for sharing if anybody wants to know. Basically it shows exactly what each stat, Str/Agi/Int/Vit, gives. You will be able to consider which stat you may want to prioritise.


  • STR = 0.5 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
  • 1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
  • 1 AGI = 0.25 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist


  • 1 STR = 0.25 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
  • 1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
  • 1 AGI = 0.5 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist

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[Guide] NPC Gifting

This guide is written by Remi from DragonNestSource Forum and I take no credit for it. I find this guide quite useful so I decided to share with you guys.


So you’re wondering why you should gift NPCs, well for one they give you items in the mail when you become closer to them, most of the time they contain gifts that could help you at the time being such as crude gems.

They also increase fraction points towards the group they are in, in which you exchange those points in order to craft certain items. Some NPCs will even give you a discount as you get full friendship with them.

Throughout gifting, you’ll also be able to talk to them and ask/answer questions, try your best not to click rapidly as most people do, you are trying to find the best answer to get more fondness with them. Giving a wrong answer will increase their aversion.

Eventually you’ll reach 2 noticeable areas where they give you a gift which will increase more fondness as you give each gift, keep this until they reach 100% and then you can sell it to the NPC if you please.. The other gift is a memory regenerator where you can hear their voices, I usually keep the amazing ones like Kevin and Irine and NPC the rest.
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Access all hotkeys easily!

Ever find yourself hard to access all the 10 hotkeys? As you get to higher levels, you will learn more skills, and you will definitely utilize the 2nd Hotkey Quickslots (Press ~ to switch from 1st and 2nd) in order to play the game more effectively. Some of you may not know that you can actually change your keys under the System Settings.

Here’s a sample of my hotkey configuration. It allows you to access or 20 hotkeys easily with your left hand.

Dragon Nest Blog

Welcome to all Dragon Nest players! I am sure some of you have played this wonderful action-based MMORPG in the Korea, China or even Taiwan servers. However, to the others who are still relatively new to the game, I believe you will find many useful tips and features in this blog.

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