About DNB

Hi everyone!

The Dragon Nest Blog provides guides and a lot of basic and advanced information necessary for you to excel in the game. Some of them are translated and modified from other websites while some of them are written on our own. As some of the things we write are based on our own opinion, there may be disagreement from other experienced players. We gladly accept suggestions and criticisms to help improve this blog.

We are 2 Dragon Nest players who had played both the China and Taiwan versions previously. As we are homed in Singapore, we decided to shift to Dragon Nest SEA to remain lag-free in game and get to know more local players. We have made several characters till level 40 and hence we can safely say we are quite experienced with the gameplay. However, due to us not being familiar with the 2nd job advancement, we will base our posts largely on guides and videos posted by other players.

If you find this blog useful, like us on our DNB Fan Page on Facebook and share this blog with your Dragon Nest friends!

PS: We allow everyone to share our blog posts and information, on the fact that you give us credits in your posts.

  1. Hey there
    I have read some of your guides and i thought they were pretty good.
    Why don’t you try adding some pictures into your guides?
    It makes it look much better and im sure it will attract more attention.

    • Hey! Thank you for the comment.

      It would be nice if you can tell me what are the current guides that we need more pictures in.

      We would take note of this in the future as well!

  2. Hello DNB! I started reading this blog, and I find it to be very informative and detailed. I was relieved it wasn’t just “copy-paste” from the dragon nest website, and I find your commentary very helpful.

    I do have one question about the Sharpshooter build: Why no put into Sylph’s Aid? Is it assuming that the player will be able to kill the mob with the range already given?

    • Hi there. Sylph’s Aid does increases range of skills, but only a FEW skills. Those that I am aware of are Twin Shot, Piercing Shot, and probably Charged Shot. Hence, it may not be useful. Furthermore, in PvE, when attacking bosses and mobs, you seldom keep yourself within extreme long range when fighting. Range does not really matter in PvE, but probably more on PvP.

      • Thank you for your feedback. ^^
        You have a good point; with the range sharpshooters have already, a few extra meters will be of little difference, I suppose.

  3. Im playing Dragon nest Sea too . Playing Westwood server. What about you ?? im looking for a guild to die and live with it ^O^ . BTW this DNB really attract my attention , provide me many good thing that i never knew , im new here 😀 .

  4. https://www.facebook.com/Tomskin8x here s my facebook address . Nice to meet you 😀

  5. thanks for this blog. this really helps!

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